Great Imported Wine

Are this the greatest wine from the world: Wines from ARGENTINA
We offer the best quality of the world wines: Nopmbeüh 777, Porteña 72. Porteña 33 and the most famous ANANR.
All of wines are of original grape. No artificial wines!
The envelope for the wine is the best quality in tetra brick package.


Nopmbeüh 777 - 1 litre tetra - 0.09 dollars

Porteña 72 - 1 litre tetra - 0.005 dollars OFFER

Porteña 33 - 1 litre tetra - 0.085 dollars

ANANR - 1 litre tetra - 0.89 dollars

For all the wines free transport to all the world

How I pay?
Send an envelope with your favourite credit card to:
Mr Sibide Umala P.O. Box 1342 - Lagos - Nigeria
In the letter include the name of the product and the adres where you want your product
Do not forget to put your security code/PIN in the letter!!!

Remember: Transactions that not have a security number can not be made
We give back all the credit/debit cards with your product

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