New! Gas mask for office!

Here is the best gas mask for office use. No farting in office will offend you!
Highest quality materials and special filter

How much does it cost?
Every mask costs 25 US Dollars

How I pay?
Send an envelope with your favourite credit card to:
Mr Sibide Umala P.O. Box 1342 - Lagos - Nigeria
In the letter include the name of the product and the adres where you want your product
Do not forget to put your security code/PIN in the letter!!!

Remember: Transactions that not have a security number can not be made
We give back all the credit/debit cards with your product

1 comentario:

Milagros dijo...

Me podría enviar al Marinero para hacerle llegar mi tarjeta American Express y que me envie una docena de las Gas Mask. El código ya lo tiene. Un beso grande y espero la entrega inmediata. Harto garca en mi empresa.